- Kaliyo: The founder, Lead Programmer, Pixel & Environment Artist
- Wildquill: Lead writer
- Nampites: Writer
- HookedOnPhoenix: Writer
- Chocojax: Lead artist for the facesets
Kaliyo, along with some others, has released (so far that I know) one game, prior to Roundscape, “Ass Effect” but since it was before they started on Patreon, I could not find much information about it, I just remember hearing about it on their Discord server. And have released one game after Roundscape, Uprising, although it has three episodes, and only two released at the moment, and then they have two other games planned, Banished, and Arenus. Arenus will even be available on Steam! Together, these individuals go by “Arvus Games”.
Story / Context
The story of Roundscape Adorevia takes place in the magical land of Adorevia, a beautiful, yet dangerous place, one has to be careful when traversing around Adorevia, as there are many dangerous foes lurking about, especially so with Murkhal and his forces on the move. The game has different starts, due to having different origins to choose from, but most involve Murkhal’s soldiers killing someone close to you, and that is how you begin your quest, starting out as a revenge quest, turning out to be a quest to save the world! Of course you cannot do this task alone, you have a wide variety of companions to choose from (Also to have sexy times with, but don’t forget about saving the world!) The story itself isn’t exactly original, but I found it interesting, and fun to replay since you can have different origins and play as either Male or Female.
Roundscape can be played with just a mouse, but you can use a keyboard as well to move your character around. Playing a human Male or Female, you go around Adorevia with your companions, completing quests and taking down Murkhal’s forces. The gameplay is simple and easy for anyone.
It’s not original, but that’s not a bad thing in this situation. In all honesty, aside from all the sexy times, I enjoyed playing through Roundscape, which I find is a huge plus for these kind of games, that it’s actually a game aside from the sex scenes.
10/10 for me I’d say, a big part being that there are so many fetishes and kinks, pervy talk, flirting, all that good stuff.
Overall Feeling
Roundscape gave me many many hours of gameplay, and well, had me reaching for a tissue on many many occasion.. if you catch my meaning ;))
And I would recommend it to just about anyone that enjoys Porn games, as there are such a wide variety of kinks and fetishes.